Wednesday, 20 June 2012

More Good News!!

After the last couple of depressive weeks and the latest slip up, I finally got sick of feeling sorry for myself. So, in a bid to lift my own spirits, I left the house. The sun wasn't out (because the weather is crap) and I'm still sick with a cold (because God hates me) but I figured that getting some fresh air would be better than continuing to suck in the recycled, high carbon-dioxidey air of my heated lounge room. I also thought that perhaps it would be a good idea to put on some proper pants as opposed to continuing to wear my Snuggie as a full body suit. Don't judge it if you haven't tried it.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Stressed! aka The Slip Up #3

Yes, hello again. It's me, Heidi. Long time no blog, I realise. Well, that's because my life has finally come to a pivotal point where the only thing left to do (clearly) is blog and tell EVERYONE about how TRAGIC my life has become. One month shy of turning 28 and I have come to a realisation in my life, people. And it dawned on me earlier today as I lay on my sick bed, waiting for the Angel of Death to sweep in and take me to the heavens sat on my couch wrapped in my Snuggie. 

What is this realisation, you ask? Well, let me tell you then.

Wait for it...